Max Talbot's Blog

Max Talbot's Blog

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Olympic Medalists Honored at Last Night's Penguin Victory

At last night's 3-2 victory over the Sabers, all of the Olympic Medalists were honored. . All of the other players smiled and waved when the spotlight was on them...except for Sid. He looked really uncomfortable. He seems to not like the limelight. He must have been upset last night too, for he caused a fight and was cursing on the bench. Maybe it was because the announcers said in Vancouver, some one had stolen all of his equipment...except for his mouthpiece.  One of the announcers exclaimed, "Even his jockstrap?!"  I bet some lady bought that on Ebay for a few thousand! lol!
"Tankie" did well last night. We were all worried that he might get traded, for he was in a 17 game rut. However, "Fedie" redeemed himself last night! Gonchar scored his 200th goal as well! Let's go Pens!

Also, my uncle who lives in Pittsburgh said he heard rumors that David Letterman was trying to get Sidney on his show this Thursday after the Ranger game....hmmm...I wonder.

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