Max Talbot's Blog

Max Talbot's Blog

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Resting Place of A Legend

The game last night was monumental in all aspects. The game started with 50 greats from the Penguin's past walking down the ice. And ended with a great win-...7-3. There has been 1,667 games in the Arena in the regular season...the record was 858-576-233. The memories were incredible-especially for Crosby.

"He kind of lives up to the moment, it seems like all the time," Orpik said. "It was just one of those nights where it seemed like he had that extra jump and he was going."

Crosby finished with four points, also assisting on a goal by Alex Goligoski and two by Bill Guerin, giving him 104 points for the season and 501 in his five-season career. The only players younger than Crosby (22 years, 244 days) to hit the 500-point mark faster were Wayne Gretzky (21 years, 52 days) and former Penguins star Mario Lemieux (22 years, 172 days).

"It's one of those numbers," Crosby said. "It's a nice accomplishment. You don't think about those things a lot."

23 seconds into the game Brooks Orpik scored his 2nd goal, Alex Gologoski, Evgeni Malkin, Tyler Kennedy and Billy Guerin also scored. What really impressed me, was the second to last goal of the game. Sid slap-shot it and it swooshed right into the net. We all thought Sid received his 50th goal. They reviewed it in Toronto and game it to him. However, Sid said that the goal had hit Guerin's leg...and said he didn't want the goal because it was Billy's. Such character! I've always respected Sid, but this has elevated him even higher! He could have taken the goal...everyone thought he had it and Guerin already reached his 20 goal mark. But Sid had integrity and character and said no.  I think that, even more than scoring a 50th, was the best way to lay to rest the Igloo!

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